The IWN values are to be understood as an inner attitude that you make visible with your words and deeds.
The IWN-Values Trainer is your personal coach. The basis is the ten IWN premises.

We get back what we put out. This values coach will be your personal coach for the next few months, day after day, assisting you with a training session every day.
You probably know this: you resolve to exercise regularly, at least three times a week. You succeed for a while. But then it flattens out, there are excuses and alternatives. The initial enthusiasm eventually wears off and you fall back into your routines unless you challenge yourself or are challenged by others.
This values trainer will make sure that you really stick at it and that we live these principles together. Use the IWN Values Trainer as your constant companion, personally just for yourself. Take a little time every day to reflect. Only by applying it in everyday life can you determine the value of these values.
Have fun with it.
Reinhold Schulte
Instructions for use
For one week, occupy yourself only with the first premise and look at it daily in the morning, at noon and in the evening.
Do not take on anything frantically.
Reflect on your behaviour when you read the premise in the evening.
At the end of the week, reflect on your behaviour for the whole week and make written notes.
Do the same with the next premise in the current week.
When you are through with all ten suggestions, repeat this twice more.
The ten IWN premises
- 1. I live in freedom!
- 2. I am honest!
- 3. I ensure sustainability!
- 4. I am an active part of the familiy business!
- 5. I provide security!
- 6. I am helpful!
- 7. I am independent!
- 8. I am obliging!
- 9. I am competent!
- 10. I take responsibility!
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