News & Events
Stay up to date with what´s happening at IWN
News & Events
Latest news
On Monday, IWN honored two more long-standing employees for their special loyalty to the company.
In January, five young colleagues successfully completed their apprenticeships and are now starting their careers as specialists at IWN.
Today we celebrated the company anniversaries of four long-standing employees in a somewhat larger group!
Review of the sixth joint blood donation event of the Oldernholz neighboring companies on September 24 in the IWN canteen!
OnBoarding and team building for new apprentices
For our seven new apprentices, we held a two-day training course on 8 and 9 August at Haus Neuland, in the south of Bielefeld.
Further investment in the expansion of e-mobility
In addition to the four e-charging stations that have already been in place since 2020, IWN has had further identical charging stations installed,…
it´s OWL reports on successful energy check project
As part of an it ́s OWL transfer project, Fraunhofer IOSB INA has developed an energy check that was piloted on a CNC machine from IWN.
The machine operator in honing technology had his last working day at the machines on June 14.
VariQtire in the professional magazine Bauernblatt
New technical article about the tire pressure control system published.
Berufsparcours at our partner school
This morning we were once again active as an exhibitor at the career orientation event "Berufsparcours".
Twenty-year employee anniversary
On June 1, 2004, Darius Jaworski took up his position as a machine operator in IWN turning technology.
Staff news
On Monday, IWN honored two more long-standing employees for their special loyalty to the company.
In January, five young colleagues successfully completed their apprenticeships and are now starting their careers as specialists at IWN.
Today we celebrated the company anniversaries of four long-standing employees in a somewhat larger group!
The machine operator in honing technology had his last working day at the machines on June 14.
Twenty-year employee anniversary
On June 1, 2004, Darius Jaworski took up his position as a machine operator in IWN turning technology.
Christoph Bünger celebrates 10-year anniversary
The trained blacksmith received a bouquet of flowers and a loyalty bonus on his anniversary.
Press review
it´s OWL reports on successful energy check project
As part of an it ́s OWL transfer project, Fraunhofer IOSB INA has developed an energy check that was piloted on a CNC machine from IWN.
VariQtire in the professional magazine Bauernblatt
New technical article about the tire pressure control system published.
Sprayers: New generation of PWM valves
In issue 5|2024 of the agricultural trade magazine Eilbote, an article about the PWM valves VariQspray and VariQspray pro from IWN was published on 1…
The tinkerers in the Teutoburg Forest
IWN portrait published in the agricultural technology magazine Eilbote.
Article about VariQtire in Rheinische Bauernzeitung
In issue 44|2023 of the Rheinische Bauernzeitung, a technical article about our tire pressure control system VariQtire was published.
Trade magazine Eilbote reports on VariQtire
In its current Agritechnica issue 44|2023, the agricultural trade magazine "Eilbote" reports on the IWN VariQtire pressure control system from page…
Low-Threshold Retrofit Strategy for CNC Machines: A New Process Data Acquisition Approach, 2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial…
VariQtire in the Bavarian Agricultural Weekly Newspaper
The Bavarian Agricultural Weekly Newspaper reports in the current issue 30|2023 on pages 34 and 35 about the IWN tire pressure control system…
VariQtire in the agricultural press
The portal and the agricultural magazine Land & Forst have published articles about our tire pressure control system for agricultural…
VariQtire in issue 1|2023 of Profi
In the January issue of the trade journal PROFI, an article about our tire pressure control system VariQtire was published.
Podcast "Original sound economy" / episode 19: inclusion
On Monday we had a visit from the podcast team of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The recording of our conversation about inclusion is now…
Inclusion in East Westphalian companies
The magazine "Ostwestfälische Wirtschaft" (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) selected IWN as a positive example of successful inclusion.
The chips fly as far as Timbuktu
The german magazine for machining production, the 'WB Werkstatt + Betrieb', has published a multi-page article about IWN in the current issue 6/2022.
Technical report in the atp magazine issue 08/2022
The article "Automatisierte Qualitätskontrolle: Retrofit für Bestandsanlagen" (Automated quality control: Retrofit for existing systems) results from…
Participation in the Sparkasse image video
We are very proud that Sparkasse Bielefeld chose IWN as a reference customer for their image video.
Valves with a brain - report on IWN sensor valve in the specialist magazine profi
In the 6/2020 issue of the agricultural technical magazine profi an article about the pulse width modulation sensor valve from IWN was published.
Reviews of past events
Review of the sixth joint blood donation event of the Oldernholz neighboring companies on September 24 in the IWN canteen!
OnBoarding and team building for new apprentices
For our seven new apprentices, we held a two-day training course on 8 and 9 August at Haus Neuland, in the south of Bielefeld.
Berufsparcours at our partner school
This morning we were once again active as an exhibitor at the career orientation event "Berufsparcours".
On April 26, IWN was active for the fourth time as an exhibitor at the career orientation fair Jobs@Leo.2024 of the Felix Fechenbach Comprehensive…
On April 25, 2024, IWN had a visit from four girls. The occasion was this year's Girls' Day.
Excursion of trainees and trainers
On Friday afternoon, the annual joint excursion of the trainees and trainers took place.
From Friday to Sunday, we were active as an exhibitor at the fair my job OWL in Bad Salzuflen.
At the 19th Rietberg Job Fair last Saturday, more than 140 exhibitors presented their training and further education offers.
Video: Review of Agritechnica 2023
IWN review of Agritechnica 2023: The world's largest agricultural machinery trade fair, which took place in Hanover in November.
Career orientation fairs Berufsparcours
Berufsparcours is a series of events for career orientation, in which IWN has already participated several times as an exhibitor.
Fifth joint blood donation campaign of the Oldernholz neighbours
On September 27, between 12:00 and 16:00, the fifth annual blood donation campaign with our neighboring companies Halfar, Hücobi and John Guest / RWC…
Review of the Career Orientation Days 2023
For the second time since 2021, IWN organised career orientation days for pupils on 5 and 6 September.
Review of the summer festival 2023
This year's summer festival took place on August 18th with the best summer weather.
Company exploration of the comprehensive school Quelle
Today, class 8a of the Quelle comprehensive school visited IWN.
Fire safety trainings in March
On March 4th and March 25th, the training courses for the new fire protection assistants and evacuation assistants took place at IWN.
Career orientation in Leopoldshöhe
IWN was active as an exhibitor at the career orientation fair Jobs@Leo.2023 of the Felix-Fechenbach-school in Leopoldshöhe.
Career information event Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock
IWN was active for the first time on 8 March as an exhibitor at the career information event in the high school Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock.
On Wednesday and Thursday, students of the 9th grade of our partner school "Martin-Niemöller-comprehensive school" visited IWN.
On December 16, IWN finally celebrated a Christmas party with many employees after a long corona break.
Podcast "Original sound economy" / episode 19: inclusion
On Monday we had a visit from the podcast team of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The recording of our conversation about inclusion is now…
Cooperation with comprehensive school
Today the ceremonial signing of the cooperation agreement between the Martin-Niemöller-Comprehensive-School and IWN took place in our canteen.
Employee driver safety training
On Saturday, 15 October 2022, seven IWN employees met for voluntary car safety training on the grounds of the Bielefeld Road Safety Centre.
Oldernholz Neighbors Blood Drive 2022
The 4th blood donation campaign of the neighboring companies from Oldernholz took place on September 29, 2022 in the IWN canteen.
Apprentices become crane operators
Part of the cutting machine operator training at IWN is that all adult trainees are instructed in the use of floor-operated cranes.
On June 21, IWN was one of 25 exhibitors at the Jobs@Leo.2022 careers fair at the Felix-Fechenbach Comprehensive School in Leopoldshöhe.
Career orientation events BERUFSPARCOURS
On the morning of June 14, we were active as an exhibitor at the career orientation event BERUFSPARCOURS in the Marienschule der Ursulinen.
€5,000 donation to Ukraine-aid Bethel
Before Easter 2022, IWN decided to do without the chocolate Easter bunnies for the employees and instead to donate this money to a good cause.
On 21 May 2022, the career orientation fair “Berufe-Messe 2022” took place at the Rietberg School Center.
After two years of Corona-related forced break, IWN finally welcomed girls back to the annual Girls Day
On March 21, the first forklift license training of the year took place. Another one will follow shortly.
Vocational course at the Theodor-Heuss Secondary School
IWN was an exhibitor at the career orientation event BERUFSPARCOURS on 11.3.2022 in the Theodor-Heuss-Realschule.
Road safety training in October
IWN is constantly working on improving the road safety skills of its employees. For this reason, some employees were taking part in training courses…
With immediate effect, all IWN employees can reserve an appointment online for a flu vaccination in October.
Joint blood drive of the companies Hücobi, John Guest, Halfar and IWN
The annual blood drive of Oldernholz neighboring companies Hücobi, John Guest, Halfar and IWN was held today between 12 a.m. and 4 p.m.
M+E InfoTruck and Kuhlo Secondary School visiting IWN
On August 23 and 24, we had an M+E infotruck and students from Kuhlo Secondary School as guests at IWN - for a unique career orientation event.
Driver safety training at the Bielefeld Road Safety Center
On Saturday, May 22, 2021, several IWN employees took part in a driver safety training course planned by the company at the Bielefeld Road Safety…
President of the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) visits IWN
Mr Wolf D. Meier-Scheuven, the President of the local (Ostwestfalen zu Bielefeld) Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and its current General Manager,…
IWN took part for the first time as an exhibitor on Saturday, 8th of February at the important Jobs Fair in Rietberg.
Cooperation IHK - Schools – Economy
With the support of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Ostwestfalen (IHK), the Kuhlo secondary school and IWN, both from Bielefeld, signed an…
Archive 2024
Today we celebrated the company anniversaries of four long-standing employees in a somewhat larger group!
Review of the sixth joint blood donation event of the Oldernholz neighboring companies on September 24 in the IWN canteen!
OnBoarding and team building for new apprentices
For our seven new apprentices, we held a two-day training course on 8 and 9 August at Haus Neuland, in the south of Bielefeld.
Further investment in the expansion of e-mobility
In addition to the four e-charging stations that have already been in place since 2020, IWN has had further identical charging stations installed,…
it´s OWL reports on successful energy check project
As part of an it ́s OWL transfer project, Fraunhofer IOSB INA has developed an energy check that was piloted on a CNC machine from IWN.
The machine operator in honing technology had his last working day at the machines on June 14.
VariQtire in the professional magazine Bauernblatt
New technical article about the tire pressure control system published.
Berufsparcours at our partner school
This morning we were once again active as an exhibitor at the career orientation event "Berufsparcours".
Twenty-year employee anniversary
On June 1, 2004, Darius Jaworski took up his position as a machine operator in IWN turning technology.
We are pleased that we were able to officially congratulate Helmut Müntefering-Meier from Quality Assurance Incoming Goods, on his tenth company…
On April 26, IWN was active for the fourth time as an exhibitor at the career orientation fair Jobs@Leo.2024 of the Felix Fechenbach Comprehensive…
On April 25, 2024, IWN had a visit from four girls. The occasion was this year's Girls' Day.
We wish all the best belatedly to our three jubilarians, who celebrated their tenth IWN company anniversary on April 1, 2024.
Today, together with Jürgen Stotzka, we are celebrating a very special anniversary, which is extraordinary even among the many long-standing employees…
Excursion of trainees and trainers
On Friday afternoon, the annual joint excursion of the trainees and trainers took place.
From Friday to Sunday, we were active as an exhibitor at the fair my job OWL in Bad Salzuflen.
On today's first of March, we once again had a lot to celebrate: Four ten-year company anniversaries!
At the 19th Rietberg Job Fair last Saturday, more than 140 exhibitors presented their training and further education offers.
Automation cell on the Pemamo honing machine
We have expanded the Pemamo MRL 150 horizontal honing machine with an automation cell with a UNIVERSAL ROBOTS robotic arm.
Sprayers: New generation of PWM valves
In issue 5|2024 of the agricultural trade magazine Eilbote, an article about the PWM valves VariQspray and VariQspray pro from IWN was published on 1…
Archive 2023
The tinkerers in the Teutoburg Forest
IWN portrait published in the agricultural technology magazine Eilbote.
Article about VariQtire in Rheinische Bauernzeitung
In issue 44|2023 of the Rheinische Bauernzeitung, a technical article about our tire pressure control system VariQtire was published.
Video: Review of Agritechnica 2023
IWN review of Agritechnica 2023: The world's largest agricultural machinery trade fair, which took place in Hanover in November.
Career orientation fairs Berufsparcours
Berufsparcours is a series of events for career orientation, in which IWN has already participated several times as an exhibitor.
Our managing directors Reinhold Schulte and Bernd Brinkmann today congratulated Olaf Nolte on his tenth IWN anniversary and presented the anniversary…
Extension to the logistics hall
Construction work ran from April to the end of September, and now the logistics extension has been completed.
Photovoltaic system on the meadow
It has been in operation since the end of September and produces sustainable electricity. The new PV system behind our building.
Trade magazine Eilbote reports on VariQtire
In its current Agritechnica issue 44|2023, the agricultural trade magazine "Eilbote" reports on the IWN VariQtire pressure control system from page…
Low-Threshold Retrofit Strategy for CNC Machines: A New Process Data Acquisition Approach, 2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial…
In September, three deserving employees celebrated their long-standing company anniversaries.
Fifth joint blood donation campaign of the Oldernholz neighbours
On September 27, between 12:00 and 16:00, the fifth annual blood donation campaign with our neighboring companies Halfar, Hücobi and John Guest / RWC…
Review of the Career Orientation Days 2023
For the second time since 2021, IWN organised career orientation days for pupils on 5 and 6 September.
Jakob Ens from the milling shop had his last day at IWN on Monday after almost 18 ½ years.
Review of the summer festival 2023
This year's summer festival took place on August 18th with the best summer weather.
Tenth anniversary of Jan Bünger
Jan Bünger from Intelligent Systems assembly celebrated his tenth IWN anniversary on Monday.
Between July 1st and August 1st, five colleagues celebrated their 10th company anniversary.
VariQtire in the Bavarian Agricultural Weekly Newspaper
The Bavarian Agricultural Weekly Newspaper reports in the current issue 30|2023 on pages 34 and 35 about the IWN tire pressure control system…
After 23 years at IWN, the 62-year-old deburring employee is going into well-deserved retirement.
The warmest congratulations go to Holger Birkemeyer, with whom we were able to celebrate his tenth IWN company anniversary today.
Cutting machine operator training successfully completed
Two of our cutting machine operator trainees successfully completed their training in June and are now journeymen.
20th anniversary of Dirk Blome
On June 1st, 2003, Dirk Blome had his first day at IWN after having worked for his previous employer for almost twenty years.
Andreas Thenhausen from the Multiplex sector had his last day at work today, after 28 years at IWN.
Company exploration of the comprehensive school Quelle
Today, class 8a of the Quelle comprehensive school visited IWN.
VariQtire in the agricultural press
The portal and the agricultural magazine Land & Forst have published articles about our tire pressure control system for agricultural…
Energy check and quality control
In cooperation with Fraunhofer IOSB INA, IWN, in the person of Bastian Schulte, has developed a concept to significantly save energy costs.
A quarter of a century in sales
Ironically, on Star Wars Day (May the Fourth), Renate Dierssen from our Back Office sales department celebrated her 25th anniversary.
After almost 18 years with the company, we bid farewell to the deserving employee Bodo Merzinger into retirement on April 28th.
At the beginning of April, IWN was pleased to welcome two employees with a particularly long-standing service to the company.
Fire safety trainings in March
On March 4th and March 25th, the training courses for the new fire protection assistants and evacuation assistants took place at IWN.
Career orientation in Leopoldshöhe
IWN was active as an exhibitor at the career orientation fair Jobs@Leo.2023 of the Felix-Fechenbach-school in Leopoldshöhe.
Career information event Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock
IWN was active for the first time on 8 March as an exhibitor at the career information event in the high school Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock.
Four newly trained specialists
In January, four young men successfully completed their vocational training at IWN.
Together with Nick Penner, IWN is pleased about the successful completion of his master's degree in Production and Management.
On Wednesday and Thursday, students of the 9th grade of our partner school "Martin-Niemöller-comprehensive school" visited IWN.
Johann Martschuk - 10 years IWN
Today we celebrated the tenth anniversary of a real IWN homegrown.
VariQtire in issue 1|2023 of Profi
In the January issue of the trade journal PROFI, an article about our tire pressure control system VariQtire was published.
Archive 2022
On December 16, IWN finally celebrated a Christmas party with many employees after a long corona break.
Podcast "Original sound economy" / episode 19: inclusion
On Monday we had a visit from the podcast team of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The recording of our conversation about inclusion is now…
Inclusion in East Westphalian companies
The magazine "Ostwestfälische Wirtschaft" (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) selected IWN as a positive example of successful inclusion.
Cooperation with comprehensive school
Today the ceremonial signing of the cooperation agreement between the Martin-Niemöller-Comprehensive-School and IWN took place in our canteen.
Master thesis by Daniel Sehrbrock
On Thursday we said goodbye to Daniel Sehrbrock, for a very pleasant reason.
New multi-spindle Index MS40-6
Since a few days, a new multi-spindle automatic lathe has been in use at IWN, the model MS40-6 from the manufacturer Index.
After several vacation and illness-related postponements, we were finally able to officially honor our anniversaries again today.
Employee driver safety training
On Saturday, 15 October 2022, seven IWN employees met for voluntary car safety training on the grounds of the Bielefeld Road Safety Centre.
When the quiet phase of partial retirement begins
Peter Zelmer from conventional turning technology had his last day at work today in a long professional life.
Oldernholz Neighbors Blood Drive 2022
The 4th blood donation campaign of the neighboring companies from Oldernholz took place on September 29, 2022 in the IWN canteen.
Retirement – after 26 years with IWN
Today we sent Holger Popp into his well-earned retirement after 26 years with IWN.
The chips fly as far as Timbuktu
The german magazine for machining production, the 'WB Werkstatt + Betrieb', has published a multi-page article about IWN in the current issue 6/2022.
Technical report in the atp magazine issue 08/2022
The article "Automatisierte Qualitätskontrolle: Retrofit für Bestandsanlagen" (Automated quality control: Retrofit for existing systems) results from…
Precision machining center Mazak Variaxis C-600
For several days, IWN's milling department has had a new 5-axis precision machining center, the VARIAXIS C-600 from the manufacturer Yamazaki Mazak.
At the beginning of August, two company anniversaries of long-standing IWN employees were scheduled.
Our managing directors Reinhold Schulte and Bernd Brinkmann as well as the trainers Holger Popp, André Vonnahme and Christopher Witt welcomed five…
Apprentices become crane operators
Part of the cutting machine operator training at IWN is that all adult trainees are instructed in the use of floor-operated cranes.
Viktor Weber's farewell to retirement
Viktor Weber from the grinding shop already had his last official working day at IWN a few days ago.
20th company anniversary of Andrei Siemens
Andrei Siemens from the grinding department celebrated his 20th anniversary at IWN in April.
On June 21, IWN was one of 25 exhibitors at the Jobs@Leo.2022 careers fair at the Felix-Fechenbach Comprehensive School in Leopoldshöhe.
Career orientation events BERUFSPARCOURS
On the morning of June 14, we were active as an exhibitor at the career orientation event BERUFSPARCOURS in the Marienschule der Ursulinen.
€5,000 donation to Ukraine-aid Bethel
Before Easter 2022, IWN decided to do without the chocolate Easter bunnies for the employees and instead to donate this money to a good cause.
On 21 May 2022, the career orientation fair “Berufe-Messe 2022” took place at the Rietberg School Center.
Bachelor Graduate Jennifer Dyck
We congratulate Jennifer Dyck on the successful completion of her bachelor's degree.
Philipp Drobner – 10 years at IWN
Philipp Drobner celebrated his 10th anniversary at IWN on 2 May.
After two years of Corona-related forced break, IWN finally welcomed girls back to the annual Girls Day
30th anniversary of Dietmar Schröter
A 30th company anniversary is rare, even at the anniversary-tested IWN.
Anniversaries in logistics and tool dispensing
Ralf Grotjohann from Logistics celebrated his 25th anniversary on April 1.
Alexander Neib had his last day at work today. He has been working for IWN since 2011 – with a short break in between.
Bernd Brinkmann (55) will take up the newly created position of commercial director at IWN on 1 April 2022.
On March 21, the first forklift license training of the year took place. Another one will follow shortly.
Today, Joachim Parusel had the last day of his working life. He had been working in the Honing Shop since October 2005.
Vocational course at the Theodor-Heuss Secondary School
IWN was an exhibitor at the career orientation event BERUFSPARCOURS on 11.3.2022 in the Theodor-Heuss-Realschule.
On 28 February, IWN honored two more company jubilarians retrospectively with a joint acknowledgment.
Today, IWN honored Frank Schäfer and Tarkan Oflu for their round anniversaries, 20 years of employment.
Apprenticeship as cutting machine operator successfully completed
All four apprentices as cutting machine operator of 2018 who completed their apprenticeship at the end of January were taken on by IWN as employees in…
Participation in the Sparkasse image video
We are very proud that Sparkasse Bielefeld chose IWN as a reference customer for their image video.
Yesterday, IWN gave two deserving employees a retirement farewell. Both colleagues will start their retirement on 1 February 2022.
On January 6, 2022, our colleague Hans-Günter Biebigheuser celebrated his 25th company anniversary at IWN.
Archive 2021
On November 29th, IWN honored colleague Sergej Berg on the occasion of his company anniversary. On November 21, 2011, he started his position in…
Road safety training in October
IWN is constantly working on improving the road safety skills of its employees. For this reason, some employees were taking part in training courses…
With immediate effect, all IWN employees can reserve an appointment online for a flu vaccination in October.
20th anniversary of Giovanni Conte
At IWN we could once again celebrate a longstanding company anniversary.
Many thanks to the young M+E Infotruck helpers
On 23 and 24 August, our trainees and several students contributed to the success of the event with great commitment.
Joint blood drive of the companies Hücobi, John Guest, Halfar and IWN
The annual blood drive of Oldernholz neighboring companies Hücobi, John Guest, Halfar and IWN was held today between 12 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Celebrating four times in August
August was a month filled with employee anniversaries. No fewer than four colleagues celebrated their ten or even twenty years with the company.
M+E InfoTruck and Kuhlo Secondary School visiting IWN
On August 23 and 24, we had an M+E infotruck and students from Kuhlo Secondary School as guests at IWN - for a unique career orientation event.
Start of training for cutting machine operators at IWN
IWN's promotion of young talent cannot be stopped by a Corona pandemic.
Today, with the CNC Swiss-type lathe SR-20R IV type A, IWN has the seventh Swiss-type lathe from the well-known and proven SR-20 series of the machine…
Quality begins with people, not things
This quote from the American “quality guru” Philip B. Crosby (1926 – 2001) also applies to IWN.
International website is online
The international english version of our website is now online.
Christoph Bünger celebrates 10-year anniversary
The trained blacksmith received a bouquet of flowers and a loyalty bonus on his anniversary.
This week, IWN said goodbye to two successful Bachelor students from Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. Both worked on their own Bachelor…
Two new compressors from Bielefeld
Last week, the traditional Bielefeld company BOGE supplied us with two new screw compressors and a compensating air receiver.
Retirement farewell ceremony after a quarter of a century at IWN
Hans-Joachim Schulz just celebrated his 25th anniversary with IWN on March 25. About two months later, he entered his well-deserved retirement on…
Driver safety training at the Bielefeld Road Safety Center
On Saturday, May 22, 2021, several IWN employees took part in a driver safety training course planned by the company at the Bielefeld Road Safety…
20 years of Dirk Stüssel at IWN
Last Friday, Managing Director Reinhold Schulte and team coach Sven Koppitsch honored their colleague Dirk Stüssel for his 20 years of employment with…
Yesterday, Managing Director Reinhold Schulte and Turning Technology Shift Manager Thomas Hermann held a farewell retirement ceremony for long-time…
New old grinding machine Studer S33
Since a few days the CNC universal cylindrical grinding machine S33 completes the Studer machine family at IWN.
The project "New" started almost 11 months ago with a tender among several web agencies, in which our in-house agency Seitenweise was able to…
A message of honour for our ambassadors
Since May 2019, IWN has had all its trainees trained by the IHK Ostwestfalen zu Bielefeld as so-called “training ambassadors”.
IWN continues to invest heavily in optimising its machine park. The latest addition to our machine family is the STAMA MT 733 two.
Archive 2020
We have developed the IWN Quality Method Trainer so that we do not forget the basics when striving for continuous improvement of processes and…
Hearty Welcome to Production Manager Andreas Peters
On 1st November, Mr Andreas Peters took up his new position as production manager at IWN.
Valves with a brain - report on IWN sensor valve in the specialist magazine profi
In the 6/2020 issue of the agricultural technical magazine profi an article about the pulse width modulation sensor valve from IWN was published.
IWN welcomes five new apprentices into the team
We extend a hearty welcome into the IWN Team to Can Baytemür, Chrisovalantis Papageorgiou, March Nicolas Prester and Tarek Scholz (all machine…
PWM Sensor Valve in the magazine "topagrar"
Pulse Width Modulation Valves: the latest trend in field spraying and also one of the new innovative IWN products.
IWN took part for the first time as an exhibitor on Saturday, 8th of February at the important Jobs Fair in Rietberg.
Great joy and pride at IWN this week: The former apprentices Jack Gordon Bainbridge, Kagan Ersoy and Daniel Reger have successfully completed their…
Archive 2019
New China projects with FH Bielefeld and GIZ
For some years now, international market competitors have been presenting themselves increasingly on the already hard-fought German market for…
YouTube Video “Cutting Machine Operator”
The IHK Ostwestfalen (local Chamber of Commerce) has its own YouTube channel on which apprenticeship trades are presented with short videos. The…
Cooperation IHK - Schools – Economy
With the support of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Ostwestfalen (IHK), the Kuhlo secondary school and IWN, both from Bielefeld, signed an…